科研情况 |
科研项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,81502808、红肉火龙果色素对血小板功能的影响及作用机制研究、2016/01-2018/12、18万元、在研、主持。 发表论文: 1. Song F, Zhu Y, Shi Z, Tian J, Deng X, Ren J, Andrews MC, Ni H, Ling W, Yang Y: Plant food anthocyanins inhibit platelet granule secretion in hypercholesterolaemia: Involving the signalling pathway of PI3K-Akt. Thrombosis and haemostasis 2014, 112(5):981-991. 2. Song F, Gan RY, Zhang Y, Xiao Q, Kuang L, Li HB: Total phenolic contents and antioxidant capacities of selected chinese medicinal plants. International journal of molecular sciences 2010, 11(6):2362-2372. 3. Zhang X, Zhu Y, Song F, Yao Y, Ya F, Li D, Ling W, Yang Y: Effects of purified anthocyanin supplementation on platelet chemokines in hypocholesterolemic individuals: a randomized controlled trial. Nutrition & metabolism 2016, 13:86. |